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Latest E. Coli reading, 07 February 2023: 389 (orange).

Pedestrian access through Manga Pirau Street beach entrance

Concrete blocks across Manga Pirau Street beach access have a pedestrian sized gap.
Photo by Miraz Jordan.

There had been some complaints that the concrete blocks across the Manga Pirau Street beach access were placed in a way that pedestrians couldn’t get through.
They’ve now been shifted around a bit and people can walk through a gap that’s been created.
The only real problem now is that there’s nowhere to go. The river is flowing very close to where the track is cut off.
The photo below from 16 June 2022 shows the narrow strip of sand you could walk along.

Narrow strip of sand by Manga Pirau Street beach track.

This item was updated on 26 June 2022 06:15:38